Hello. My son is a meth user. He called me last night from jail. He had been arrested again. This time it was for burglary and possession. He has been in jail over ten times that I know of. He is twenty-two years old and can see no future for himself. He lost his drivers license and totaled his car. He is so far in debt to the various police depts. for fines upon fines that he may never get a license again.. He has at least three felonies now so I don't know if anyone would ever give him a job even if he did have a way to get there.
Josh has been through many tramatic events in his life including the death of his father at 10. There was one death after another and I don't think he ever got past any of them. I tried counseling but he refused to talk and then refused to go at all. He was diagnosed two years a go as being bi-polar and refused treatment. He still refuses it. I cannot understand that he refuses medication but will use illegal drugs.
I don't know how long he has used meth because he moved out of our house and never came by when he was high or else he came while I was at work. I don't know how to help him. I cannot afford to put him into rehab and I think that he would fight that anyway.
I'm hoping that the judge will decide to send him to rehab and there would be no other way out for him.
If he continues like this he will either end up in prison or die.
I know that I could not bear to lose him. I love him more than life. He is still that sweet, sensitve boy that I know but I know that eventually the drug will change him forever. Thank you for letting me vent. I feel so alone right now and this helps.
Submitted By Anonymous
Thanks for the information for about the recovery from addictions.
Drug Rehab
I share your grief; my son is in a similar situation. The world just doesn't seem to care about our men anymore.
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